The Glories of Mary

Excerpts from the Book

It is certain that she is concerned for the whole human race,… hence the practice of some devout servants of Mary is very useful, who have the habit of praying our Lord to grant them those graces which the blessed Virgin is seeking for them, using these words: ‘Oh Lord, give me what the most holy Virgin Mary is asking for me.’”

The devout Bernardine de Bustis says, that Mary is more desirous to do us good, and bestow favors upon us, than we are to receive them.”

If Mary, then, is good to all, even to the ungrateful and negligent, who have but little love for her, and seldom have recourse to her, how much more loving must she not be to those who love her and often invoke her!”

Oh, how much this our good mother exceeds all her children in affection, even if they love her to the extent of their power!”

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About The Glories of Mary

Written by St. Alphonsus Liguori, founder of the Redemptorists, The Glories of Mary is a hymn of praise to Our Blessed Mother. Widely regarded as Saint Alphonsus’ finest masterpiece, it has for two and a half centuries stood as one of the Catholic Church’s greatest expressions of devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Written as a defense of Our Lady at a time when Jansenistic writers were ridiculing Marian devotion, this classic work combines numerous citations from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church with Saint Alphonsus’ intense personal piety to produce a timeless treasury of teachings, prayers, and practices.

The Glories of Mary is a great compendium of centuries of teaching on Our Lady. You can download here a sample chapter of this work to augment your own Marian devotions. The complete work can be purchased through the Redemptorist’s Liguori Publications.

Your Marion Devotions Start with the Redemptorists

The Redemptorists are the keeper of the original Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help at the Church of Sant’Alfonso in Rome. They are inspired by a deep devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help and continue the ancient tradition of Novenas to Our Mother of Perpetual Help on Tuesdays of each week.

“Is it possible that God will not graciously hear Mary? Is there anyone who does not know the power of Mary’s prayers with God? Every prayer of hers is as a law established by our Lord, that mercy shall be exercised towards those for whom Mary intercedes.”

—St. Alphonsus Liguori