Download this powerful Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help below. It is the 1948 edition of a well-known Novena held for the last century each Tuesday at St. Alphonsus “The Rock” Parish in St. Louis. In this novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary by asking for her assistance. It is a powerful devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. Mary is Our Mother and all graces she gives us come directly from our Lord. She is always a mother ready to intercede with Him on our behalf.
The Icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help has provide strength, comfort and even miracles to the faithful for centuries! First placed in the Church of San Matteo in Rome in 1499, the Icon was thought to be lost, but it eventually ended up in the Redemptorist Church of St. Alphonsus in Rome where in 1866 it could again be viewed publicly. On June 23, 1867, Pope Pius IX granted the image its Canonical Coronation along with its present title. Pope Pius also charged the Redemptorists to make Our Mother of Perpetual Help through the Icon known throughout the world. Since then it has been copied and venerated in churches and homes worldwide.
The Redemptorist Congregation of priest and brothers are the only religious order currently entrusted by the Holy See to protect and propagate a Marian religious work of art.
1948 Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
This is the traditional Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help prayed for over 100 years by the Redemptorists. Prayed every Tuesday at Churches throughout the World, join in this beautiful Novena. Download your free copy:

Additional Novena Prayers
Novena Prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
The Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help is prayed weekly around the world. To make this Novena, pray the three prayers in this pamphlet (each followed by three Hail Marys) for nine consecutive days.

Novena & Prayers to St. Gerard
St. Gerard Majella, a Redemptorist brother, is recognized by millions around the world as “The Mothers’ Saint.” Since his death in 1755, extraordinary favors have been granted to mothers who prayed to him. His presence is felt in hearts, homes and hospitals around the world. Whenever or wherever there is a mother in need, a baby in danger, a sick child or a family in distress, prayers are raised up to St. Gerard. Download your free copy: