Reflections in the Time of Pandemic
“For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.” —John 3:34
As the pandemic spread throughout the US in early April, Fr. Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R., Local Superior at St. Gerard’s Louisiana, recorded a series of videos “The Light of the Resurrection Has Not Been Dimmed: Reflections in the Time of Pandemic.” Fr. Kevin began from the premise that “In our present situation of restriction and limitation brought on by the pandemic, we turn to God for guidance. What we find when we turn to our Lord, especially in this season of Resurrection, is not a message of restriction, but of hope and abundance.”
Each of the four videos were widely distributed by email to the over 150,000 subscribers to the Redemptorists online mail list on successive Fridays in May. The entire playlist of four talks can now be found on the Redemptorists’ Province YouTube page.
This is an outstanding series of talks that speaks deeply to our fears and anxieties not only during the pandemic, but as we confront any time of hardship or uncertainty.
The online Reflections are part of the Denver Province’s continuing efforts to expand their online ministries while the quarantine measures remain in place. As Fr. Kevin explained, “In this time of uncertainty and difficulty many of us would naturally turn to the churches, but now we find that the churches are closed or limited. We can’t gather together in person and share our lives in the way to which we’re accustomed.”
Excerpts from the Videos
“God is not limited: there is no rationing of God’s spirit. The question for each of us remains: where will we encounter the Risen Christ? The Risen Christ broke through the locked doors of fear and anxiety as the disciples huddled in the upper room, afraid to go outside. We too are promised the presence of God’s peace. When we feel imprisoned it is Christ who comes into our midst to listen to our struggles and walk alongside us.” — Fr. Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R.
“We can expect to encounter the abundant grace of Christ in new and creative ways in this time of limitation and restrictions. The creative presence of Christ is what Jesus promised us, especially in moments when we feel lost and uncertain.” — Fr. Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R.
“Because of Christ’s triumph over death, hope is always with us. We can continue to expect the Spirit to shine the light on new ways of encountering Christ, finding strength in His presence among us, and hope in His Resurrection. Christ is always with us.” — Fr. Kevin Zubel, C.Ss.R.