Hard to Find Time for Prayer?
The Redemptorists have created a new FREE MOBILE APP to help you find time to pray to Our Mother of Perpetual Help throughout your day. App includes complete 7-day Retreat, prayer instructions, reflections and beautiful images of Mary. Praying to Mary can change your life. This app will inspire and instruct you in the special […]

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Monday, August 15, 2016 By: Fr. Bill Adams RV 11:19A; 12:1-6A, 10AB, 1 COR 15:20-27, LK 1:39-56 In our Gospel we witness Mary, Mother of the Lord, traveling to help her cousin Elizabeth with the birth of John the Baptist. There Mary proclaims the greatness of […]
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