Testimonials from Our Lady of the Desert Circle
Very few things in life rise to the level of a “life changing” experience. But, I think that many of us who benefited from your hard work this past year would agree that our journeys to becoming Redemptorist Associates have been life changing.”
After a full year of study, prayer and discernment led by Fr. Paul Coury, director of the Redemptorist Renewal Center, and Lee Morrison, M.Div., the first group of Redemptorist Associates for the Denver Province in Tucson were commissioned at Our Lady of the Desert Church on January 20. We gathered together some of their testimonials about the experience below.
While standing in front of our families, friends and the entire congregation, Lee called our names one at a time. We stepped forward to receive a beautiful pin and St. Alphonsus holy card from Fr. Paul, as well as his congratulations. We then stepped to the altar to sign and date our commitment letters, affirming our commitment to action and personal mission. Our church community congratulated us all with a heartfelt round of applause. After Mass, the entire congregation celebrated with us at a reception in the dining hall of the Renewal Center generously provided by the Redemptorist community in Tucson. We are most grateful to both Lee and Fr. Paul for the love and guidance they have showered on us this past year, as well as the guidance of Anne Walsh, Special Assistant for Partnership in Mission and Co-Chair of the Redemptorist North American Secretariat for Partnership in Ministry, and Fr. Greg May, Denver Province liaison to the Secretariat. We are thrilled to be newly committed Redemptorist Associates in the Tucson Circle of the Denver Province! — Linda N.
Fr. Paul Coury and Lee Morrison were the best spiritual leaders; they instructed us as well as led by example. It is very important to see your leaders live their faith. During the ceremony, I felt the love and support of my family and my Church community, as well as the Spirit’s presence in me – His peace and love, confirming that this is where I belong. —Angela S.
I felt very honored that we were able to celebrate our commitments with Mass! I believe that it was the perfect way for the Lord to give His blessing, so that we may go forth to serve Him faithfully in our daily lives. I also felt a strong sense of community with our Circle of Associates and am very proud to be a part of it. —Blanca M.
Our ceremony reflected the commitments we were making to share Gospel love with all we meet, seeking out most especially those who are outcast, crushed, or burdened by society. —Diana D.
Very few things in life rise to the level of a “life changing” experience. But, I think that many of us who benefited from your hard work this past year would agree that our journeys to becoming Redemptorist Associates have been life changing. The Redemptorist Associates program has provided the kindling and the Holy Spirit has ignited the spark of Redemptorist spirituality within us.
We are more prayerful, we are more giving, we are more loving. Where will this lead us? I don’t know. But, I do know this: it’s a place I want to go. Thank you for your dedication and perseverance creating and fostering the development of the Our Lady of the Desert Circle of Redemptorist Associates. —John D.
Although the ceremony was simple, it was empowering and important in that I made a public commitment to live my Catholic faith. By the grace of God, and with the help and guidance of the clergy here at Our Lady of the Desert and my fellow Associates, I have resolved to preach the Gospel not only with words, but more importantly with actions –to reach out to others in friendship, especially the elderly, who sometimes need a friend to offer a kind word or gesture to remind them that God loves them. —Margaret B.
Although we were committing to a full year and at times it was difficult to juggle work and family commitments, it was well worth it. Learning about Redemptorist Spirituality was amazing – I can’t wait to learn more. I was impressed that when a member of our group was facing a challenge, you brought the group together to say a prayer, have a moment of silence, sign a card, or just listen if someone needed to talk – modeling behaviors that we can emulate when we are serving the community. —Mary P.
Line up in alphabetical order according to height! That’s what the preparations seemed like, but it added to the fun and camaraderie in anticipation of the ceremony. It had been a year in the making, and all of us were ready to be finally blessed in as Redemptorist Associates. Thanks to Fr. Paul and Lee Morrison’s hard work, Tucson has its own Circle of Associates, which includes married couples and single men and women. It certainly was a proud moment for me, as I felt blessed to be both in communion with these brothers and sisters and a part of something far greater and holier than myself. —Jenny M.
It was a very well planned and carried out ceremony. All of us were proud to have achieved a goal a year in the making. I was happy to be near the altar with my wonderful wife, celebrating the ceremony with her. We have shared many experiences in our journey together, and each one has enriched our marriage. I believe I can say the same about becoming Redemptorist Associates together. —Joel A.
I was delighted that the day of enrollment came and grateful that my husband and I were part of the group in celebration. Truly, leading up to the day of the ceremony, in our outcome was the lesson that “With Him there is plentiful redemption.” As the year in formation came to an end, the teachings of St. Alphonsus and the Redemptorist saints of the past came alive and I could not have predicted the transformation witnessed in my fellow associates. JOYFUL, humbled, and a welcomed community of friends is how I would describe it. My gratitude to Fr. Paul and Lee Morrison. —Lidia A.
The ceremony formalized my commitment to participate in the Redemptorist mission and spirituality and marked the successful completion of my year of study of the Redemptorist history, saints and Constitutions, as well as my growth in a greater appreciation for the Redemptorist charism and love—sharing spirit. The ceremony itself was dignified and well planned, and impressed all who were present. —Joan C.
January 20 brought me joy and made me feel accountable to the Associates and Redemptorist charism. I find myself better equipped to teach religious education and help those in need. Having my brothers and sisters in Christ, other new Associates, standing by me and knowing they support my ministry especially through prayer gives me courage to live the charism. Thank you, Fr. Paul and Lee. I appreciate your time, effort and prayers. Knowing that I have you two as my spiritual leaders brings me the courage to serve as a Redemptorist Associate. —Emma C.
The ceremony at the Church of Our Lady of the Desert was a blessing of the commitment of the Redemptorist Associates, an expression of coalescing the participants to a spiritual bond of assistance in fulfilling each individual’s dedication to serving the poor and the needy; and in the process aiding one another in our Life Journeys. The ceremony was a fitting culmination of a year of Redemptorist spirituality, prayer, and guidance led by Fr. Paul Coury and Lee Morrison, including visits by Fr. Greg May and Anne Walsh: all bound in Christian love! —Virginia W.
January 20 brought me joy and made me feel accountable to the Associates and Redemptorist charism. I find myself better equipped to teach religious education and help those in need. Having my brothers and sisters in Christ, other new Associates, standing by me and knowing they support my ministry especially through prayer gives me courage to live the charism. Thank you, Fr. Paul and Lee. I appreciate your time, effort and prayers. Knowing that I have you two as my spiritual leaders brings me the courage to serve as a Redemptorist Associate. —Emma C.
The ceremony at the Church of Our Lady of the Desert was a blessing of the commitment of the Redemptorist Associates, an expression of coalescing the participants to a spiritual bond of assistance in fulfilling each individual’s dedication to serving the poor and the needy; and in the process aiding one another in our Life Journeys. The ceremony was a fitting culmination of a year of Redemptorist spirituality, prayer, and guidance led by Fr. Paul Coury and Lee Morrison, including visits by Fr. Greg May and Anne Walsh: all bound in Christian love! —Virginia W.
“Faith without works is dead,” or put another way, I have to live my way into good thinking – these two sayings signify the importance of service in my pursuit of spirituality. Standing before the parish and making the commitment to serve others as a Redemptorist Associate reinforced the importance of those actions and the commitment I made. Thank you for forming a Circle of Redemptorist Associates and guiding me through the process of discernment and growth towards Christ. —Thomas N.
Our ceremony was very inspiring, especially receiving a pin and handshake from Fr. Paul and signing our commitment documents on the altar. All of us filing in as a group was so impressive because it showed how devoted our group is to doing good work. —Jeane G.
This past year has encouraged and strengthened my spiritual growth and personal mission of sharing the Redemptorist charism in the desire to help those less fortunate or in need. The ceremony was wonderful and a realization of all we have done as a group and to my commitment as an Associate in the Redemptorist tradition. —Fran S.
Thank you so much for helping me find a happier way of life. The Redemptorist tradition has inspired me to be more active with those less fortunate. When Lee and Fr. Paul asked us to join them, I knew my life was about to change and I have found myself to be in a better place. This past year has been deeply fulfilling because of Fr. Paul, Lee and the Circle of Associates, and I know my life has improved as well. I will continue to be the best member our Lord wants me to be. —Carmen M.