A Prayer Book That Can Change Your Life
We hope that our Redemptorist Partners in Mission, both individually and in groups, will use the prayers, reflections, and suggestions gathered here to deepen their communion with Redemptorists and, more important, to deepen their Christian spirituality and communion with God.” —Living Redemptorist Spirituality
By Anne Walsh
The Redemptorist North American Secretariat for Partnership in Mission, with the help and support of Liguori Publications, published the second edition of Living Redemptorist Spirituality in July 2018. This prayer book was born out of the desire, expressed by vowed Redemptorists, Redemptorist Associates, Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer, and others, to create a resource that all could share as we walk together in shared mission.
This small 80-page paperback fits easily into a pocket. It offers an introduction to the core elements of Redemptorist spirituality, short biographies of St. Alphonsus and other Redemptorist saints and blessed, prayers, reflections and devotions and a calendar of Redemptorist feasts. It offers a fresh approach to devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help as a model for mission. The authors say, “… Redemptorist spirituality, grounded as it is in the paschal mystery of Christ, nurtured by the regular practice of both communal and personal prayer, study and reflection, is best expressed when it forms us to be women and men on mission.”
This booklet would be an ideal introduction to Redemptorist spirituality for new Redemptorist Associates. It might also be a helpful resource to make available to co-Redemptorists or benefactors, and parishioners in Redemptorist parishes. As an approachable introduction to Redemptorist saints and spirituality, this booklet would be of benefit to Vocation Directors in their ministry of invitation and discernment.
Single and bulk copies are available for purchase through Liguori Publications. Redemptorists are eligible for a significant discount. The Redemptorist North American Secretariat for Partnership in Mission wishes to make this resource widely available; inquiries and ideas concerning the distribution of the booklet should be addressed to Anne Walsh, co-chair of the secretariat, at [email protected]. Finally, you can also download a digital copy of Living Redemptorist Spirituality by clicking the button below.