Discernment: Living a Christian Faith as a Disciple of Jesus
The value of the laity in sharing Redemptorist spirituality and ministry has been encouraged from the beginning of the congregation.
By Fr. Greg May, C.Ss.R
Every Christian is called to be a disciple of Jesus. This statement is easy to say but more difficult to put into practice. A disciple needs to understand the vision of God for humanity and the strength to act upon this way of life. Believing and practicing the faith demands a conscious effort to mature in both understanding and finding ways to express faith in action. There are many ways to be a disciple of Jesus and depending on the person’s circumstances, gifts, and beliefs, he or she will embrace a call that is appropriate to God’s plan.

The Redemptorists of the Denver Province understands the vision of God through the experience of Jesus the Redeemer. This understanding gives them a particular way of ministering to a wounded world which needs to be restored to a good relationship to God and others. They are called to preach the good news and to encourage people to embrace God’s immense love. This ministry can be experienced by their preached missions, guided retreats, parochial ministry, and other apostolic work. Redemptorists do not have an exclusive right to this expression of discipleship through their ministry but realize that others may feel called to a similar way of living their faith. Those that make Redemptorist ministry possible or others who act upon the same spirituality are seen as Partners In Mission, (PIM).
The value of the laity to share in this spirituality or ministry has been encouraged from the beginning of the congregation with St. Alphonsus and continues with the present direction of every province in the world. People who have embraced this connection have found support in living their faith and a means to make the world a better place. Might this be a path for the way you express your understanding of discipleship?
Those who want to explore Redemptorist Spirituality can do this by downloading “Living Redemptorist Spirituality” or by visiting our Redemptorist Spirituality Workshop on YouTube. These presentations share a basic understanding of Jesus the Redeemer and how the Redemptorists have put it into practice by living as Jesus’ disciples.
For those who feel called to this spiritual path and want to have a closer connection to the Redemptorists Family, you can also join our email list to learn more about Partners in Mission. There will be an upcoming question-and-answer session with Fr. Greg May, C.Ss.R. to discuss what programs are being implemented in the Denver Province. The first session is scheduled for Saturday February 6 at 3 pm central time. Registration for the event will be sent when you sign up on our email list for PIM.