This Advent Return to the Real Meaning of Christmas
Through the Way of Jesus we are being introduced to the Love that creates us, sustains us, heals us, and is given through us. In Jesus heaven came to earth and earth is crammed with heaven.
This is how Fr. Ken Sedlak, C.Ss.R., introduced his Advent booklet “A Child Is Born.” The booklet is filled with beautiful teachings and images for the Christmas season, and is being used in our RCIA classes in Chicago. This is a tough time of year: the shorter days, the increasing cold and snow, plus the stress of the holidays. How refreshing then to hear Fr. Sedlak’s joyous understanding of the Incarnation:
“Our Christmas celebration revolves around the child in the crib, fragile and vulnerable as well as our Redeemer. The innocent child sleeps in Mary’s lap while choirs of angels sing. This is how God redeems us, a child sleeping on its mother’s lap.”
The teachings in Fr. Sedlak’s wonderful hymn to the Nativity will soften your heart and stoke the powerful flames of hope and love in your own life. Make this booklet and Fr. Sedlak’s words your constant companion this Advent.