On Becoming Part of the Redemptorist Family
In recent years, Redemptorists have come to a renewed and deeper understanding of the Church as the communion of believers, entrusted with carrying on the redeeming mission of Jesus. The Church is the people of God, embracing all the baptized and inviting all to share in its evangelizing mission. So Redemptorists have been seeking ways to involve others—laypeople especially—in their part of that mission of Jesus and the Church. Desire has also grown among laypeople to share in both the spirituality and the mission of Redemptorists. From these mutual aspirations, Partners in Mission has been born.
By Fr. Greg May, C.Ss.R.
Partners in Mission is the phrase that tries to connect all the people that support the Redemptorist mission or share in the Redeemer’s mission in the world. Redemptorists rejoice that people share in this call by embracing various means of support or activities that make Jesus the Redeemer known. When people see the value of the mission or ministry, a desire to get involved makes it possible for more apostolic work to be accomplished. However, the understanding of Partners in Mission can be more than the end result. It can focus on the meaning of why things are done. People often focus on the results but what is most important is to understand why people are involved in activities that have specific goals.
The Co-Redemptorists have the activity of supporting Redemptorist vocations as its goal. This is the reason why this organization exists compared to various other organizations and individuals that are connected to the Redemptorists. There are various responses when you ask the members of Co-Redemptorists why they support it, but this is the most basic reason; people have experienced the value of Redemptorist ministry and want to help us train a new generation in the work. Even though this is the reason why Co-Redemptorists are active in this organization, the value of what is being done by these men is at the heart of their identity. The values that are lived by the congregation is the spirituality of Jesus the Redeemer. We use the phrase Redemptorist Charism to describe the values of this spirituality.
The work of the congregation and the reason why they do the work are two sides of the same coin. The work would not be done if we did not believe in this spirituality. Even though this faith underlies our good works, our Partners in Mission might not understand what is at the heart of our motivation/faith. The Redemptorist in the world have implicitly proclaimed this faith by how we live but explicitly sharing it with the laity has not always been done. The Partners in Mission movement is putting more emphasis on sharing this spirituality with the laity. We know the value of having faith in Jesus the Redeemer and are aware that it can be embraced by anyone. This approach to faith is one way that people can grow in the Kingdom of God.
Many members of PIM have been involved in helping us in our mission but have not been invited to explicitly share in our spirituality. Co-Redemptorists are a part of the Redemptorists Family of the Denver Province but have not been given an opportunity to participate in our spirituality. This has changed with the establishment of Redemptorist Associates. We had the first members begin the formation process of learning this spirituality in 2018 and make a pledge to live it in 2019. This desire to embrace the way of Jesus the Redeemer has transformed the lives of Redemptorist Associates in how they live their faith. Co-Redemptorist, other organizations and individuals will hear more about the program in the upcoming article and how to participate in the formation process.